Chill, I'm working on it

How it all Happened

In order to explain this story, we need to go back a few years.

The early 10s were a puzzling time for this great nation. Justin Bieber and One Direction were still being touted as musical prodigies, our government had a black president, and two bare-minimum students met on the campus of Binghamton University. After being pounded by test after test, Liam MacShane and Ryan Chan realized that engineering by themselves probably wasn't the best choice for them at that point in time. It was then that our heroes decided that in order to succeed, they would need to help each other through these dark times. Ryan (being much angrier at the time) dealt with all of the hard labor that was expected from someone as dumb as he was, while the much more popular Liam handled all of the presentations and took all of the credit. The duo completed a few projects together, and enjoyed some small success. Unfortunately, as their friendship grew, so did other feelings. As love traingles usually do, their relationship ended in shambles. Ryan, unable to cope with the feelings bottled up inside of him, ran to Newing to live with some SOM kids.

Liam was devastated. To deal with his heartbreak, he became a recluse, and turned towards the only thing available to someone in his position, he started to read text books. His dedication to this mindless activity eventually led him to become the top of the EECE class, where he met other students at his academic proficiency.

Kasir Watkins, the only brotha in Watson, met Cecilia Lao, a girl who was simply too smart to be here at Binghamton. They embraced their life at the top of the Watson food chain, falling in love with the intricacies of programming. A bond was formed, and the two became instant friends, often coding well into the morning while sharing their feelings and desires. Jazzman's tea parties were had, hair was braided, and many energy drinks were consumed. It was paradise.

The two quickly shot up to the top of the class rankings where they had always envisioned themselves being. However, they soon ran into the bane of almost any EECE/CS undergrad, Eileen Head. She told them that there was no way that they would ever get a CS degree if they continued with their engineering degree as well. Lawsuits were filed, and death threats were exchanged. The pair bought a whiffle ball bat and hid on the fourth floor of Bartle for six months. When they finally emerged, they had a dream, to become the best damn engineers that Eileen had ever seen.

Their work ethic brought about a change at the top of the engineering mountain, and much like a moth is drawn to a light, Liam could not help but be drawn towards the amount of raw passion that they exuded. Slowly, Kasir and Cecilia taught Liam how to care again. He began to study with them, and the trio soon became the strongest team in all of Watson.

One finals week, while studying for the 39 tests that they had coming up, Liam, Kasir, and Cecilia were on the second floor of Bartle when they noticed some LAX bros sit down at the computers next to them. They were being extremely obnoxious and were practically shouting at each other from three feet away. They started talking about getting Five Guys for dinner and this struck Liam as an odd choice. He wanted to explain to the meatheads that they don't deliver to campus but was too scared, so he decided to bring it up with his friends instead. The conversation might have gone something like this:

  • Liam: Hey, don't you wonder how some restaurants won't deliver to campus? I think we should make a company that does it for them!
  • Kasir: What are you even talking about?
  • Cecilia: Die.

Liam couldn't neglect the thought provoking conversation. It haunted him. Why didn't some restaurants deliver to campus? There was not a single student that minded going to get food from those places (and they still don't), but he wanted to know. He needed to know. So he decided to create a solution to this non-existant problem, and Binghamton OnCampus Delivery was born. He quickly called up Kasir and Cecilia to tell them of his revolutionary idea, delivering food to students on campus while charging almost nothing for the service. They laughed at him (and continue to, to this day). The world wasn't ready for his idea. No one could understand his concept. Unabashed, he took a weeked off from studying to show that it could work. They still didn't care. Liam was again, heartbroken. Soon after, in a completely unrelated incident, the group started to drift apart. No one knows exactly how or why this occurred, but some sources say a botched project was partially to blame. This looked like the end.


One day, the next semester, BinghamtonSA contacted Liam, to ask if his delivery service was still in full force. They wanted to implement something similar, but did not want to compete with an established group because they are a spineless corporation. Liam told them to buzz off, and decided to try and revive his forlorn business. He contacted Kasir and Cecilia about his plans, and this time he decided to actually give them a slice of the profits. The group reunited in a flurry of activity. Plans were made, schemes were hatched, and just as they were about to get up and running, Kasir and Cecilia both got offered jobs as UCAs for some stupid programming course. The feeling of helplessness slowly creeping back into him, Liam frantically tried to contact people he knew on campus to see if they would help. After his 27th failed attempt at convincing someone that his business could work, he saw Ryan at the courts up in Mountainview trying to pretend like he knew how to play basketball. Broken down by the harsh curriculum that is computer engineering, he begged Liam for a chance to relive the good ol' days. Liam decided to be the bigger man, and took him under his wing once again.

He was onboard.

And the world was without the best pretend basketball player ever...

Who we are

Liam MacShane - Founder
Computer Engineer/Couch Potato
Class of 2015

Kasir Watkins - Technical Lead
Electrical Engineer/Blackest Man in Town
Class of 2015

Cecilia Lao - A Girl?!
Computer Science/Resident Mom
Class of 2015

Ryan Chan - Certified Awkward
Pretend Basketball Player
Class of 40XX

Credit to RoosterTeeth. If they wish to take down this page, please contact k0etsu (at)